Wednesday, May 6, 2009

More Hypocrites

A GROUP of Melbourne powerbrokers, including Graeme Samuel, Terry Moran and Geoff Walsh, will set up a major new club at the top end of town after resigning in disgust from the exclusive men-only Athenaeum Club.

The mixed-gender club, to be known as the Melbourne Forum, threatens the biggest shake-up in a century to Melbourne's stuffy men-only associations such as the Athenaeum and the Melbourne clubs.

This garbage - to which I will not link - appeared today in the online edition of the Australian, a paper I usually respect.

Ignoring the fact that it is not news I have a few points to make, first why do mens-only clubs always get referred to as stuffy? I have been to the Athenaeum club and am a member of one of its brother (mens only) clubs and would not describe either club as 'stuffy'.

Perhaps it is just that journalists like Cameron Stewart need to use their imaginations to dream up epithets to cover for their jealousy at never being invited in.

Secondly, why did these malcontents join a male only club if they wanted to be somewhere that admitted female members?

Thirdly, why is it news that these people want to establish a club?

Fourthly it is interesting they claim to be committed to equality - if so are they going to offer cheap/free memberships for the poor? Are they going to let the uncouth join?

If not, they are no different to those who they claim to despise.

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