Sunday, May 24, 2009

Power Trip

In a move typical of his pettyness:
KEVIN Rudd personally blocked the appointment of a senior official he has known since his university days to a high-ranking ambassador's post...

But in what officials characterise as unprecedented interference in what is typically a routine check-off, Mr Rudd rejected the advice, supposedly deciding Mr Borrowman lacked sufficient language skills for the role.

Mr Borrowman — who is regarded by colleagues as a smart, diligent and capable diplomat and has held several key jobs — was last week made Australia's designate ambassador to Sweden.

The mission is commonly seen as a relative diplomatic backwater and effectively a demotion for Mr Borrowman.

Insiders blame the decision on a murky personal history shared between the Prime Minister and Mr Borrowman, who have known each other since attending Australian National University.

Mr Borrowman is said to have dissented from the often arbitrary decision-making process taken by Mr Rudd since coming to office.

If we have got a PM worrying about this sort of shit what does it say about his ability to make the big decisions?

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